The Imitation Game Imdb Id
the imitation game imdb id
The imitation game. 6,080. november 2014. 113 minutes . drama. add to wishlist . adding... added to wishlist . remove . removing... $2.99 rent. $7.99 buy hd. academy. The imitation game leland purvis and jim ottaviani. mon jun 23, 2014 10:26am 33 comments . today, alan turing is considered the father of theoretical computer science. English mathematician and logician, alan turing, helps crack the enigma code during world war ii. in theaters november 21st..
The imitation game. 0 references. instance of. film. internet movie database. reference url. imdb id. tt2084970. 1 reference.. The imitation game follows turing as he leads a motley crew of scholars, linguists, manage your apple id; apple store account;; apple values. The titular 'imitation game' is essentially the replicant test from blade runner, something turing has practiced on himself. however,.
The imitation game | tor., The imitation game leland purvis and jim ottaviani. mon jun 23, 2014 10:26am 33 comments . today, alan turing is considered the father of theoretical computer science.
The imitation game - official site, English mathematician and logician, alan turing, helps crack the enigma code during world war ii. in theaters november 21st..
The imitation game - official trailer - weinstein company, In the imitation game, benedict cumberbatch stars as alan turing, the genius british mathematician, logician, cryptologist and computer scientist who led.

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